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What To Expect

At Connection Cafe, our wish is to provide a space that brings you a sense of comfort and ease, a space that feels like home.


Before we begin adjusting you, we like to take the time to learn more about you -

your experiences, history of trauma, your health goals, are all very relevant to the

service we provide. When it comes time to adjust you, we draw from numerous

techniques and modalities to adapt to each person's system. Descriptions of our

approaches to chiropractic are as follows...



Traditional manual adjustment technique.


Drop table                                

Employs segments on the chiropractic table that can lift and absorb the force of the adjustment as it drops.


SLI (spring-loaded instrument) / Activator   

A different type of adjusting application that offers an alternative to the traditional manual adjustment.


Extremity adjusting                   

The spine isn't the only area where you can have subluxations - we assess and adjust the full body including shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees and feet.



A great approach for acute injuries to brace and support affected joints while allowing full range of motion. Kinesiotape facilitates increased circulation and dissipation of inflammation. It also mimics touch and stimulates receptors that help soothe pain. 


SOT (Sacro-occipital technique)

A technique that often utilizes props such as blocks to balance the fascia surrounding the brain and spinal cord tension.


Webster Technique                     

All of our doctors at Connection Cafe are Webster Technique certified - Webster is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nervous system stress and allows for alignment and balancing of the pelvis to improve the function and structure during pregnancy. This research-backed approach facilitates favorable pregnancy and birth and labor outcomes while allowing the baby to have optimal space to move and grow. For more information on research associated with Webster Protocol, check out the ICPA's website at


Dynamic Body Balancing

All of our chiropractors have completed the Dynamic Body Balancing facilitator program and utilize this approach on almost every practice member that we adjust! DBB is a variation of craniosacral work with myofascial unwinding and can be used with anyone, we find that it's especially effective for prenatal and pediatric populations. The goal of using DBB in our adjusting flow is to unwind fascial tension in the body which is often the result of trauma, physical and/or emotional. 


Bio-Geometric Integration

Chiropractic care is commonly associated with the structural (osseous) system of the body, in our practice we are interested in addressing all of the tissues supporting your spine. Bio-Geometric Integration is an approach that works with the tension rooted in the muscles, ligaments, connective tissue and viscera (organs) with respect to their relationships to the spine, the nervous system and the whole body. We work with all types of tissues to help the body integrate tensions stored there, and utilize different approaches to access these types of tissues from low-force and light touch applications, to muscular/myofascial release, to the osseous high-velocity low-amplitude adjustments. 


Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral bodywork is a gentle and integrative approach that balances the nervous system through subtle release of fascial tension patterns. We work with the craniosacral rhythm of the body to balance the flow of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This fluid is in charge of nourishing, filtering, protecting and detoxifying the nervous system. A powerful approach for those seeking overall ease in their body and reduction of acute and chronic symptoms due to central nervous system dysregulation. Beneficial for all ages.

Some of the many conditions it can help with: Migraines and headaches, chronic neck and back tension, motor-coordination impairments, infant and childhood disorders, tongue and lip ties, TMJ dysfunction, spinal cord injuries, post-concussion symptoms, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, fibromyalgia, learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, orthopedic problems, digestive/circulatory/respiratory systems dysfunction, chronic stress.

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